My Sponsor - Chic Gîtes

Saturday, March 5

Photos of Below Deck on the Clipper 68s

The Nav Station - the brain of the Ship where we see radar, gps, contol the electronics etc. Is usually where the skipper ends up sleeping too so he can be on hand should he be required.

The kitchen where 3 meals for 18 people and countless cups of tea are prepared every day.

The bigger of the 2 toilets - this one also has a "shower" - the cold water tap has a long neck so can be used as a type of hose.

The lounge area where meals are served when it's too cold or rough on deck.

"The Ghetto" as it's known - the crew sleeping quarters with obligatory wet sailbags underfoot.

A close-up of the bunks with 3 "caves" in the wall to store our gear in, though most of this space will be filled with food on the race. The blue material on the side of the bed is to stop you falling out of bed when the boat changes tack whilst asleep.

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